Some new Godaddy deals have just been handed down. Be sure to click the link in the deal below or enter the code on the GoDaddy site at check-out like you see below.
These promo codes help the team behind them employed. Your support is greatly appreciated.
GoDaddy Best Domain Deal
cjcgeek99 – For new GoDaddy customers only get a .com for .99 cents one time on New or Transferred domains. Be sure to select 1 year!
cjcgeek30 – Save 30%* on most non-hosting account product purchases this is the best code to lock in major savings.
cjcgeek1h– Economy hosting $1.00 a month economy hosting with a FREE Domain.
cjcgeek1w -Managed WordPress hosting no security worries ever $1.00 a month with FREE Domain.